Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh the Treasures...

On Sunday I did some shoe "shopping" at a very unique store ... Grammie's House.

Here's how it went:

1. My sister Kendy saw a bunch of shoes on a random shelf in Grandma's basement.
2. She told me some of them where kinda cool and I should go down and look.
3. So I did, tried a few on, and then made my selection.

Look at these beauties:

I hope these aren't some family heirloom that shouldn't be played with. But, if they are, then why aren't they in some nice little box labeled "Family Heirlooms" down there?

[Side Note: I saw at least 5 "Family Heirloom" boxes. I also saw a "Winter Clothes" box and a "Things for Gifts" box and a "Clothes to Give Away" box.]

My grandma is an exquisite Collector of items that may (or may not) hold significance.
And I love her very much.

Hope you don't mind Grammie! I think these shoes are kickin! Now... what to wear them with? Any thoughts?

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Take a look at this bad boy:

What you're currently viewing is the text for my, you guessed it, Business Law class this coming Fall semester. (Wow BYU, don't get too creative) That's Acc 241, for anyone who cares. And I guess technically it's called Business Law in the Environment. But seriously, "in the Environment" as opposed to "out of the Environment" or "not in the Environment"...? Unnecessary.

Professor Ryan Wood has been so welcoming:

Enjoy your lives class is torture.


At three inches thick, this classic textbook smashes the record for "Caitlin's Biggest Textbook Yet." But don't worry, we're only using 24 of the 51 chapters. Thanks again, Pro. Wood.

And Mom actually said this was her favorite class. I already told her she's crazy.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You Can Do This Too!

I folded a fitted sheet today! And not just crumpled it in some sort of square-ish mess, I actually folded it nicely. Are you proud? I have always wanted to know how to do this, correctly.

So I looked it up! And here's what I found on YouTube:

And then I tried it and it worked! It even looks nicer than my folded regular sheet. Amazing! Watch it and learn. Then you too can have amazing folding skills.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Wanna Be a Trekkie

Maybe that's not something I should publicly admit. But it's the truth. Call me a nerd, I can handle it.

I saw the new Star Trek movie the other day and LOVED it! Not terribly confusing, but enough that I want to see it again to understand it. I didn't know a thing about Star Trek before seeing it, and I still wasn't confused. I think they did a great job.

Now I'm not quite obsessed, but we'll say intensely interested. I'm convinced I should be Vulcan, because I thrive off of logic. But the eyebrows? Maybe not.

So if you are a Trekkie, or want to be, you'll like these links:

All about the new movie: pictures, plot, summary, actors, trailers here.
Or the direct YouTube trailer found on this site.
Click here for Wikipedia's main article on Star Trek.
And finally, find the Official Star Trek site here.

"Live long and prosper."

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Most Classic Movie

This is seriously one of the greatest movies of all time. I had forgotten how much I loved it until today, when we watched it. It's my dad's favorite movie. And since he can't move off the couch for a while (because he broke his femur! see this post), we all decided to watch it with him.

And what a great movie! Some personal favorites:
  • ROUSes - Rodents Of Unusual Size
  • "Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
  • The Cliffs of Insanity!
  • Miracle Max
  • "Have fun stormin the castle! Think it'll work? It'd take a miracle."
  • Fezzik the giant
  • The Pit of Despair
  • True Love
  • "Inconceivable!" -Vezzini
I think I could even watch it again right now.

Wanna see some more pictures? Click here.

Or read more classic quotes? Click here.

Bulleted List

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Somebody ate my Taquitos!

About a month ago, I bought a box of 20 Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos for those days I didn't feel like cooking (aka most days). Then when I went to go open the box this week and eat some, IT WAS ALREADY OPENED AND SOMEONE HAD EATEN SOME!


So I had a few and then put them back in the freezer. Dumbest move yet. Of course the culprit would strike again--why didn't I think of that?

And so today I looked in the box and there were only 2 left! That's right, I ate 6 of the 20. Not even half! Don't worry, I didn't make the same mistake twice and quickly scarfed them down.

Come on people, eat your own food! Somebody owes me 14 taquitos.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Button Jar

Someday I want to have a big jar of buttons. Why, you ask? Mostly because Mom has one. And when I was small I loved to look at all the different buttons... different sizes, shapes, colors. And now that I am big I still like it. What could be more fun?

It is also very handy to have a large assortment of buttons. Then when the tiny pearl button falls off of the daughter's sparkly dress, oh look! There's one in the Button Jar that will be perfect there.

So I'm collecting buttons now. My jar is only one inch full of buttons, but it's a start.