It's official..........
I got into the Business Management program at BYU!!
And now I've got 2 more years of hardcore business classes and hardly any room for elective classes anymore--kinda a bummer. But I'm very excited! I have loved my beginning business classes so far. Maybe not Accounting 210, aka "The Beast," but the rest have been awesome.
There's seven emphases in the management major; I'm going to do Finance (yes, following in my mother's footsteps).
Then there are 8 sub-emphases in the finance emphasis:
- Asset Management
- Investment Banking
- Personal Financial Planning
- Real Estate
- Corporate Finance
- Entrepreneurial Finance (hate that word by the way, so hard to pronounce!)
- International Finance
- General Finance
No idea which one to pick. Any thoughts?
Here's a link to a description of the finance major and what each sub-emphasis is, in case you are wondering.
I have three votes (in no particular order) (1)Asset Management (2) Corporate Finance and (3) General Finance. Don't ask me why, just gut instinct. :)