Thursday, September 17, 2009

Of Sports & Centipedes

I've squished THREE of these bugs in the last week!

Eww! They are disgusting! And super fast too, which is even more gross.

These things have infested our basement and especially love my room and bathroom. I think they've reproduced recently because two of them were kinda small. Once, I found one of these in my bed! That was SO sick. I had to wash my sheets immediately. Yucky!

In other news...

I still need ideas on what store to pick for my free $50 gift card! (See previous post.)

And BYU's first home game of the season is this week!

If you didn't know, they're playing Florida State.

Florida has a psycho tradition of cutting out some of the turf of every road-game upset and planting it in their "Sod Cemetary." Weird. See the story from the Daily Herald here.

Don't let it happen Cougs!

(Want to see the full football schedule, click here.)


  1. Caitlin! I thought that sod cemetery thing was way too weird to be true, but then google and the good ol' you tube shed a different light. Check it out!

  2. OK- those bugs are SICKNASTY. I am so sorry that one was in your bed. That gives me the heeebeejeebees. Ew. I truly love your blog Caitlin. Each post is so entertaining! Bummer about the BYU game... congrats on the employee of the month! You and your PINK HAIR self ROCK sista! ;)

  3. These were EVERYWHERE in NYC. I saw one the first day I was there and Doug had gone to school. I wouldn't get out of bed. I heard that they eat roaches so I quickly welcomed them, well I still killed every single one I saw but I'd take them over roaches.
